After the succesfull first part of the Lebensnehmer Tour Ellende played live at austrians well known Vienna Metal Meeting 2019 by District 19 and put a video of the instrumental song „Ein Stück Verzweiflung“ on Youtube: Thanks to Metal Arrogance… Weiterlesen →
The nihilism and misanthrophy of Ellendes record „Lebensnehmer“ has reached place 55 of german midweek charts on 03. April 2019 and stayed on german album charts on place 94. Thanks to all for a succesfull release and full venues on… Weiterlesen →
Third full length album and fifth release „Lebensnehmer“ is now online on Youtube and all orders were shipped to ensure an punctual release on 29th March 2019. Two years of work come to an end, listen to the album here:… Weiterlesen →
Another Song of the upcoming album „Lebensnehmer“ was released exklusively through the mighty Metal Hammer: „I am truly grateful how this record turned out.“ states L.G. in MH (a two side interview is coming in the next printed edition. „As… Weiterlesen →
The first song „Du wärst eine schöne Leiche“ of Ellende’s new fulllength album „LEBENSNEHMER“ has been released via AOP Records! Within the release, also the preorder of several limited sound carriers as well as merchandise has startet: the special sound… Weiterlesen →
Ellende and AOP Records released a teaser to the upcoming album „Lebensnehmer“ via Youtube and social media. Watch it here: The preorder of various soundcarriers, merchandise and limited special editions will start with the premiere of the first song on… Weiterlesen →
As a timelapse video of creating the outside coat of the gatefold vinyl has been broadcasted in november, the second timelapse of the inside artwork went online on Ellende’s official Youtube Channel: This video is sped up by 10x and… Weiterlesen →
The first part of our „Lebensnehmer“ – release tour is happening in march 2019 with the mighty Firtan, Spiral Skies from Sweden and Groza! Tourdates:27.03.19 Erfurt – Club From Hell – Facebook event28.03.19 Nürnberg – Der Cult – Facebook event29.03.19… Weiterlesen →
Ellende is very proud to hereby announce the cover, tracklist and release date of their third full-length and fifth release called Lebensnehmer, which will be released by AOP Records in march 2019! This album has a playtime of nearly 55 minutes… Weiterlesen →
Black Yen – Lure Ellende’s live bassist S.L. has released the first physical EP „Lure“ of his instrumental project Black Yen, located somewhere in the depths of doomy post rock. It combines talented songwriting, dreamy-ambient landscapes and harsh instrumentation to a… Weiterlesen →
Austrian Post Black Metal Project Karg and soloproject of singer/songwriter J.J. (also: Harakiri for the sky, Seagrave) has presented their new single „Petrichor“ of their upcoming album „Dornenvögel“ featuring L.G. on guestvocals! This track aired on 06. september 2018. The full length… Weiterlesen →
We are very happy to announce that Ellende has broken the chains of Talheim records at any costs and signed to AOP Records Germany! We’re joining the shelter of bands as Karg, Whiskey Ritual and Harakiri for the Sky. Many… Weiterlesen →
We are coming to Erfurt and Berlin (DE) in the end of may with our friends Firtan: For more information please visit: Berlin Erfurt
Ellende is now on over 30 streaming platforms worldwide. To follow: Spotify Itunes Deezer Napster Amazon music
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