Thank you A short review and summary of an extremely turbulent year. This year had ups so high and downs so low we struggled to keep balance. Ellende played the highest quantity and biggest shows up to date while simultaniously… Weiterlesen →
We will be playing at Wonnemond Festival in Sebnitz, Germany on the 31. May 2019: Official Wonnemond Homepage http://Facebook Event Location: Tannertstraße 52 01855 Sebnitz The 9. Edition is taking place this year, here is a (German) prequel from the… Weiterlesen →
It’s the third round of Vienna Metal Meeting in the „Arena Wien“ taking place on 11. May 2019 and Ellende will celebrate their upcoming album within this event. Vienna Metal Meeting official Website Facebook Event VMM 2019 Oeticket VMM 2019… Weiterlesen →
Ellende is confirmed for a special Event in Romania in the beautiful city of Alba Iulia on Saturday 18. Aug 2018. for more information please visit Facebook Event: DBE9 – Facebook
Ellende live at Nová Chmelnice in Prague (Czech Republic) Chimera Black night, 3.3.2018
follow link: Ellende Austria on Youtube Der letzte Marsch: Ballade auf den Tod:
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