As a timelapse video of creating the outside coat of the gatefold vinyl has been broadcasted in november, the second timelapse of the inside artwork went online on Ellende’s official Youtube Channel: This video is sped up by 10x and… Weiterlesen →
Black Yen – Lure Ellende’s live bassist S.L. has released the first physical EP „Lure“ of his instrumental project Black Yen, located somewhere in the depths of doomy post rock. It combines talented songwriting, dreamy-ambient landscapes and harsh instrumentation to a… Weiterlesen →
Dear friends, we are very, very excited and proud to present you the previews of the re-release of Ellendes first EP „Rückzug in die Innerlichkeit“ from 2012! This special release will be available as limited Gatefold vinyl in two colors… Weiterlesen →
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