Schlagwort rerelease

„Rückzug in die Innerlichkeit“ re-release: available now for worldwide shipping!

The 2018 re-issue of Ellendes first EP „Rückzug in die Innerlichkeit“ is now ready for worldwide shipping! with collaboration of AOP Records following soundcarriers were produced: splatter vinyl (limited to 100) – sold out black vinyl – available here digipak… Weiterlesen →

Preorder startet: Rückzug in die Innerlichkeit re-release!

Dear friends, we are very, very excited and proud to present you the previews of the re-release of Ellendes first EP „Rückzug in die Innerlichkeit“ from 2012! This special release will be available as limited Gatefold vinyl in two colors… Weiterlesen →

Ellende signs to AOP Records!

We are very happy to announce that Ellende has broken the chains of Talheim records at any costs and signed to AOP Records Germany! We’re joining the shelter of bands as Karg, Whiskey Ritual and Harakiri for the Sky. Many… Weiterlesen →

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