Ellende has released „Ruhelos“ featuring J.J. from Karg and Harakiri for the Sky, as well as „Freier Fall“. A linktree for the singles and preorder is set up by AOP Records Germany here.
„Ruhelos“ – Personal Statement of L.G.:
I am excited to show you the second single „Ruhelos“ with first ever guestpart featuring my friend J.J. from Harakiri for the Sky and Karg. It’s about being restless, but moving forward. Accept the pain and fight. A common ground of musical vision and friendship. Thanks for being part of this! L.G.
„Freier Fall“ – Personal Statement of L.G.:
The third single „Freier Fall“ is released at this very moment and will be the last one before the album release on 30. september. The song translates to „Free Fall“ and deals with the feeling of falling and Todesangst, knowing there will be an impact in the end. Thanks for listening, L.G.